Where can I see an Ekodome in person?

Visiting an Ekodome or speaking to Ekodome owners.

We understand the importance of wanting to see an Ekodome in person prior to purchasing. Below is a list of options:

1. Trade Shows

Attending a trade show is the best way to ensure that you see an Ekodome in person, meet the team, and get your questions answered. Generally, we have 2-4 Ekodome modles on display and for sale at the trade shows. We announce the trade shows on the Ekodome social media platforms, website, and in the newsletters.

2. Rereat Center or Resort

As the glamping industry is expanding, so is the number of people incorporating Ekodomes into their facilities.

While we have a list of 8 glamping-type retreats due to open by the summer of 2025, there are two that are currently open to visitors:

Lookout at Mayfield Lake and ReTreet Resort

3. Residential Projects

Before the glamping industry exploded, a majority of our customers created residential projects. We have numerous domes across the USA, Caribbean, UK, Europe, and Australia. However, it's important to note that only a few of these customers allow visitors if it's convenient for them.

If you're interested in hearing about the experiences of our customers, we have a collection of testimonials available on our website. Additionally, there are several buyer/builder groups on social media that frequently share reviews and feedback about our domes.

4. Showroom

We have exciting plans to open a dedicated showroom near our headquarters in New York in the winter of 2024 or early 2025!

Currently, the Ekodome company headquarters in New York City are office spaces that do not display any domes, and the warehouse in New Jersey has limited visitor access.

5. Manufacturing Facility

The manufacturing facility in Istanbul, Turkey, is open to visitors and offers a firsthand look at where our domes are produced, along with the opportunity to meet our dedicated team behind the scenes.

We encourage you to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed and be among the first to receive updates about where you can visit an Ekodome!


Here is our trade show team (founder and CEO included) in 2023 at the Glamping Show Americas in Colorado.

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