What is the difference between a clear twinwall polycarbonate and a solid polycarbonate hard panel?

Comparison of clear panel options for non-insulated Ekodomes

Twinwall polycarbonate and solid polycarbonate are two different types of polycarbonate sheets that are widely used in various industries, including construction, glazing, and other applications.

Choosing between twinwall and solid polycarbonate depends on the specific requirements of your project. Consider factors such as insulation needs, light diffusion requirements, weight considerations, and the intended applications.

Understanding the distinct characteristics of each type of polycarbonate will enable you to make an informed decision that best suits your project's needs.


  • Twinwall Polycarbonate: As the name suggests, twinwall polycarbonate consists of two layers or walls that are connected by vertical ribs or channels. This unique design creates a series of air pockets within the sheet, which not only enhances its insulation properties but also improves its overall strength while keeping it lightweight. The presence of these air pockets allows for better thermal insulation, making twinwall polycarbonate an ideal choice for applications where insulation is crucial, such as in greenhouse panels and roofing.
  • Solid Polycarbonate: On the other hand, solid polycarbonate is a single-layer sheet without any hollow channels or air pockets. It is solid throughout its thickness, which gives it more weight and rigidity compared to twinwall polycarbonate. Solid polycarbonate is often preferred in applications that prioritize durability and impact resistance, such as safety glazing, machine guards, and architectural projects.


  • Twinwall Polycarbonate: The air pockets in twinwall polycarbonate sheets act as natural insulators, providing better thermal insulation compared to solid polycarbonate. This means that twinwall polycarbonate can effectively regulate temperature and reduce heat transfer, making it an excellent option for structures where insulation is essential, such as greenhouses and roofing.
  • Solid Polycarbonate: While solid polycarbonate also offers some degree of insulation, it is generally less effective in this regard compared to twinwall polycarbonate. However, solid polycarbonate still provides some insulation benefits and can be suitable for applications that require moderate thermal insulation.

Light Transmission:

  • Twinwall Polycarbonate: The twinwall design of polycarbonate sheets allows for effective light diffusion. This means that the light passing through the sheets is scattered and distributed more evenly, reducing glare and creating a softer, diffused light. Twinwall polycarbonate is commonly used in applications where sunlight needs to be dispersed, such as in greenhouse roofing, where plants require even exposure to sunlight.
  • Solid Polycarbonate: In contrast, solid polycarbonate allows light to pass through without as much diffusion as twinwall polycarbonate. This makes it suitable for applications where clear visibility and direct sunlight are desired, such as in windows, skylights, and transparent barriers.

Weight and thickness:

  • Twinwall Polycarbonate: Due to its hollow structure, twinwall polycarbonate is generally lighter in weight compared to solid polycarbonate. This lightweight nature makes it easier to handle and install, reducing the overall workload and potential for accidents during the installation process. Twinwall polycarbonate is available in various thicknesses to cater to different project requirements.
  • Solid Polycarbonate: Solid polycarbonate, being a single-layer sheet, is heavier and more rigid, especially in thicker sheets. The weight of solid polycarbonate can make it more challenging to handle and install, requiring proper support and planning. The available thickness options for solid polycarbonate may also vary depending on the manufacturer and specific project needs.


  • Twinwall Polycarbonate: Twinwall polycarbonate is commonly used in applications where insulation and light diffusion are important. Its excellent insulation properties, combined with effective light diffusion, make it an ideal choice for greenhouse panels, skylights, and roofing. Additionally, twinwall polycarbonate can be used in partitions, sound barriers, and signage where lightweight materials with insulation benefits are required.
  • Solid Polycarbonate: Solid polycarbonate is suitable for applications that demand a high level of transparency, durability, and impact resistance. It is often used in safety glazing, where the material needs to withstand potential impacts without shattering. Solid polycarbonate is also commonly used in machine guards, architectural applications, and windows, where clarity and structural strength are essential.