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How easy is it to install Ekodomes and what equipment do we need?

Ekodome assembly instructions and required tools

Ekodome geodesic dome kits are an exciting building experience for seasoned DIY enthusiasts who enjoy unique, hands-on projects, with basic tools. 

You don't need to hire a contractor or a builder, but you do need a team that is comfortable lifting heavy and awkward materials, climbing ladders, and using basic tools. 

Each kit is thoughtfully prepared with detailed instructions included, guiding you through every step of the assembly process. With these instructions, you'll have a clear understanding of how to put together your dome. For example, the framework is built from the ground up, with the panels added from the top down.

The time needed to install an Ekodome can vary depending on factors like the size of the frame, the number of people involved, and their level of experience. Smaller domes can typically be assembled in as little as half a day, while larger ones may take a day or more. When it comes to dismantling, it only requires a quarter of the time it took to install the dome. 

When it comes to the tools needed for assembly, you'll find that you won't require an extensive collection. In fact, a cordless screwdriver with a torque selection option and appropriately-sized Allen keys are the primary tools needed for installation. These tools are commonly found in most households, making it convenient for you to get started on your project right away.

However, it's important to note that you will need a ladder or lift to reach the higher parts of the dome during the assembly process. Depending on the size of the dome you choose, different ladder sizes and additional equipment may be necessary. For the Luna 16-foot dome, a 6-foot A-frame ladder is sufficient, providing you with the necessary height to assemble the structure.

If you opt for the Terra 22ft or Stellar 30ft domes, a 12' A-frame ladder, along with scaffolding, may be required to ensure safe and efficient assembly. For the larger Cosmos 29-foot dome, we recommend using an 18' A-frame ladder and scaffolding to reach the higher sections.

For those who choose domes featuring glass panels, it is highly recommended to use glass vacuum suction cups. These tools will facilitate the safe lifting and positioning of the glass panels onto the triangular beds on the domes. By utilizing glass vacuum suction cups, you can ensure that the installation process is carried out smoothly and without any risk of damage to the glass panels.

Throughout the entire building process, our team is available to answer any questions you may have. We also offer installation services for specific projects, so if you'd like to learn more about how we can assist you, please don't hesitate to contact us.